
Working out on vacation is difficult. My mind says, "Lay down and read a book! Eat some pie and drink a beer!" My body says, "Do what the mind says! Also have a sandwich!"

My family's vacation (more specifically, my father's vacation) has always revolved around eating a ridiculous amount of junk food. Pie, doughnuts, little chocolate chip cookies, chips and dip, peanut M&Ms, Ben and Jerry's, lather, rinse, repeat. Bored? Eat something. Not bored? You should still probably eat something, because all this pie will go bad.

Seriously though, I'm pretty sure normal vacations aren't this junk food-dependent. It's going to take a few years before I can break myself of the "time at the cabin means time to eat all the foods" mindset. I did buy a pie. And six doughnuts. But no ice cream! Progress.

I worked out yesterday:
12 minute run

I worked out today:
13 minute run

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous16.7.12

    Thank you for not including me in the annual glutton fest. Be mindful of what you are eating and don't let all your progress go down the drain. Think of your long term goals. You can do this!
