
You have to start somewhere.

Oh, hello.

I'm 27 and more than a bit overweight. Here's me:

I don't *feel* as fat as I look, which I'm sure is part of the problem. These pictures... yikes.

Anyway, I've got this deal going with my husband that if I work out (at least 3 days per week), and count calories (at least 5 days per week), I get to go to Jamaica over spring break.

I love Jamaica. It's a great incentive.

Even more of a great incentive, however, is the desire to start a family. Seriously, I want like, a million babies. And right now, I'm not at a good weight for pregnancy.

I am at a good weight for one of those "I didn't know I was pregnant" shows, though.


This is called "Awkward Workout" because I've never been one for physical activity, and I feel like a big galoof any time I try to do something with my body. I'm really, really good at teaching and reading and writing and playing music, though! Isn't that enough!??


I worked out today:
30 Jumping Jacks x3
30 Kettle Bell Swings x3
10 Sit-ups x3
10 Ball Pushups
10 Roly Polies (the workout ball people called these "jack knives", but that's lame)
10 bicep curls (right and left) - 10lb weight
10 fist pumps (right and left) - 10lb weight

It was awkward and sweaty but I did it. On to tomorrow.

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