
So I was all excited today when my husband informed me that the latest version of iSmoothRun has a "treadmill" setting. Previously when using the app on my treadmill, it informed me that I wasn't running at all, OR that I was running across the street and back (which definitely does not actually happen).

In any case, I quickly updated my app and gave it a go. Unfortunately, the results are less than I'd hoped for. I ran for five minutes, at a pace which I am CERTAIN is faster than I run when I'm on the trail. The app said I was only running 2.something mph, for a completely unimpressive 22 minute mile. I KNOW I'm going faster, so I guess I'll just go back to caring about time instead of distance.

I tried the calisthenic routine again after my five minute warm up. Today I am sweatier than I was on Sunday, and everything felt more difficult. Perhaps my form is more accurate today, and that's why it's harder? Perhaps I'm just a wuss who can't plank worth a damn. Whatevs.

I worked out today:
5 minute warmup run
25 minutes of vigorous calisthenics and plank failures

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